Fashionable Furry Friends Friday : Up, Up and Away

Up, Up and Away Frenchie and Paris Faux Glam fashion illustration © Shell Sherree all rights reserved
Up, Up and Away Frenchie and Paris Faux Glam fashion illustration © Shell Sherree all rights reserved

Up, up and away!

Today's fashion and fluffballs Paris illustration sees this very cute French bulldog floating on happiness and a few balloons.  His companions are floating on a cushion of spotted sneakers.  Rest assured, this fashionista's coat is faux fur all the way.  Her feline, however, is very happy her fur is her own.  And on that note ...

Happy Fashionable Furry Friends Francophile Friday to you!



  1. I wonder what Wilma would think about floating above the ground. She probably wouldn't like it. She's a very practical girl. But I think she'd like to have some balloons.

    1. Balloons, it is ! We'll make sure they are the magic kind that don't burst. Hugs to you and Wilma, dear Petrea. x0x


Merci, grazie, thank you for joining our conversation lounge. Your smile lights up the room. Even more beautifully than our crystal chandelier. x

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