Fashionable Friday Illustration : Dilly Dally with the Dahlias

Fashion & Fluffball illustration Dilly Dally in the Dahlias and Schnauzer  © Shell Sherree all rights reserved
Fashion & Fluffball illustration Dilly Dally in the Dahlias and Schnauzer  © Shell Sherree all rights reserved
We could tiptoe through the tulips ~ but today, we're dilly dallying with the dahlias!

It's just turned Spring here, so today's illustration is a celebration.  Take one blooming lovely dress, add a fluff of miniature Schnauzer, lightly fold in a dahlia-lined pathway and we've a recipe for freshly-blossomed jasmine in the air ~ and whistling along with legs a-bare.  And on that note ...

Happy Fashionable Friday to you!

PS: Thinking of a custom illustration as a gift for Christmas?  In this regard, let's not dilly dally. Please get in touch with your ideas and I'll give you pricing to consider so you can secure a spot in my schedule for pre-Christmas delivery.  Thanks so much!   You can check out a selection of my custom portraiture work and happy client reviews here. 


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