Francophile Friday : Tutu Pink on Paris Rooftops

Paris illustration, Fashion & Fluffballs, Tutu Pink on Paris Rooftops  © Shell-Sherree
Paris illustration, Fashion & Fluffballs, Tutu Pink on Paris Rooftops  © Shell-Sherree

Come on up.  The view is lovely!  Assuming you're not a member of Vertigo Sufferers Anonymous, that is, in which case ... not so much.

I could just about replicate today's illustration Chez Shell, minus the Paris scenery and adorable French bulldog Instafriend Oscar ~ and I'd never be game enough to take Ella out onto the roof ~ and I don't quite have the fluffy pink tutu skirt.  But aside from that? We're good to go!  So come, let us float paper bumbershoots in martinis and shoot the breeze.  And on that note ...

Happy Fluffy Francophile Friday to you !


  1. I'm home from Thanksgiving dinner and it was lovely, but we didn't get up on the roof and there wasn't a paper bumbershoot in sight! Something to include in my plans for the weekend...

    1. Happy Thanksgiving, Petrea !! I've been keenly awaiting the chance to use 'bumbershoot' since you introduced this to me as one of your father's favourite words. It's such a fine word! Hugs to you, J and darling Wilma. x0


Merci, grazie, thank you for joining our conversation lounge. Your smile lights up the room. Even more beautifully than our crystal chandelier. x

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