Fashionable Friday : Fluffy Pink Petal Pies

Fashion and Fluffballs illustration: Pink Fluffy Petal Pies © Shell-Sherree
{Fashion and Fluffballs illustration: Pink Fluffy Petal Pies © Shell-Sherree}

One can never be too fluffy or too pink.  I have decreed it, therefore it is so.

Let us always keep the company of those who make the bubbles in our champagne take flight.  And let us constantly and freely give out love, cuddles and the lightness of being.  And on that note ...

Happy Fashionable Friday to you !


  1. I am entirely willing to live by your rules, ma chère. If only the whole world would . . .

  2. We are being as fluffy and pink as we can be at the moment. Have I ever told you Wilma has a pink tummy? And a pink spot on her face, and several pink toes. When she's not protecting us from squirrels and cats she's on board with your plan.

    1. Oh, I didn't realise Wilma had so many cute touches of pinkness, dear Petrea ~ how pretty ! The squirrels and cats might be discombobulated if she was to attempt a hug, so probably better her way.

  3. Replies
    1. Hello, Sonia !! Thank you so much ! Have a beautiful weekend.

  4. Wear this, and you'll be the talk of the Aussie Open.

    1. There's a thought, Hiker. The plane trip would make for an interesting adventure, too !!


Merci, grazie, thank you for joining our conversation lounge. Your smile lights up the room. Even more beautifully than our crystal chandelier. x

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