Paris Daydreams: Pink Scooters and Kitty Conundrums

{Paris Pink Kitty Scooterjacking : ink pen and watercolour illustration by © Shell-Sherree}

Hmm, it seems our pink Paris scooter is being seconded.  It's been a while since kitty has been at the wheel, so no disrespect but I'm thinking her skills could be a little rusty.  Come to think of it, it's been a while since we rode a scooter full stop, so perhaps those who live in glass houses should not cast aspersions. 

I'm sure there's a frilly monogrammed pillion strap under the seat.  Should we draw straws?  Let's not dilly dally as café au lait and pastries await ~ and on that note ...

Happy Paris Daydreams to you!

{Wardrobe notes: adorable crossover bag inspired by Kate Spade New York Cedar St Mini Maise}

Ink pen and watercolour illustration by © Shell Sherree : Paris Pink Kitty Scooterjacking


  1. I'm sure she would love that, dear Petrea! I hope you're wearing thick jeans. I suspect she might want to exercise a little grip ...

  2. It's an absolutely lovely picture, Shell, one of your very most beautiful. I can't imagine the smell of petrol ever wafting round that scooter, so I assume it runs on pure Chanel no. 5 Parfum.

    1. Oh, dear Mise ~ thank you, bless your pastel pink cotton candy heart. And your vision of vehicular fuel Chez Shell has me smitten. Chanel No.5, it is .....

  3. I love this illustration! The colors are really appealing, and this is definitely an outfit I'd wear (especially the crossover bag, which is the only way I carry a purse). Move over Kitty - I want my turn on the scooter!

    1. You'd love the bag for sure, Katie! I don't normally wear a crossover but now that I have this gorgeous one, I'm smitten with it. Kitty admires a decisive woman ~ scoot safely!

  4. Does it have a sidecar? Perhaps with duel steering? ;)
    It's wonderful to imagine the scooter running on Chanel No. 5....

    1. A sidecar would solve a multitude of conundrums, Ms M ~ good thinking! We will require a little extra Chanel No.5 in the tank ...

  5. If ever I were to have a scooter, it would be pink for sure. However, I doubt I'd be riding it in slip-on stilettos. And I'll bet you could design a helmet for me that's actually stylish and sexy. Oh wait—this is a fantasy, isn't it? So sorry. My driving phobia just took over. I'd love some café crème and pastries though. :~}

    1. Indeed, we have no need of helmets here, dear Alexa ~ that said, we could all wear helmets and there would be no such thing as helmet hair Chez Shell. :) I'll order us another round of café crème, ma chère ...

  6. That's one of my pipe dreams; to own a Vespa (as long as you don't have to use a clutch and shift gears). But I would prefer mine in a shade of swimming pool aqua.

    1. Aqua would be mighty pretty, PA!! It's a very lovely pipe dream. Clutch? Gears?? I imagined it was just turning a start key then choosing the accelerator or brake. :)

  7. So good to see you're back! Your fashion ladies are divine. You are spoiling us. But we're worth it. Hee hee! Have really missed seeing your beautiful illos. They inspire me to dream & hope & never fail to put a smile on my face.

    1. Oh, thank you, dear Cali ! And absolutely, you are worth it ~ and then some. :) I've missed being here ~ it's so lovely to be back and catching up with everyone regularly again. And I'm very touched that my illos make you feel that way. Thank you. x0


Merci, grazie, thank you for joining our conversation lounge. Your smile lights up the room. Even more beautifully than our crystal chandelier. x

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