Francophile Friday: Cafe Ruffles

{Sitting Pretty at Le Pure Cafe: ink & watercolour illustration by Shell-Sherree}

I have no idea what's on the playlist at Le Pure Cafe, but with a dress like that, Flamenco music might not be too far away.  We're in Paris, however, so perhaps it comes in the shape of a Flamenco accordionist.  {Better pass me the smelling salts now.}  In fact, our bartender seems somewhat distracted at the possibility of such a phenomenon, and is taking her paws off the job.  We'd better take a seat and prepare for a longish wait.  {And whatever you do, don't ask for a cocktail or you're begging for a disaster.}  Better follow our hostess's lead and stick with a double grande cafe au lait instead.  I hear the barista wears his iPod earphones at all times in case of such emergencies.  And on that note...

Happy Francophile Friday to you!

{Photo inspiration for today's illustration via here.}


  1. Exactly where I'd like to be sitting right now, and may I have those earrings? I would, however, stay away from cafe au lait as the barista uses a bit too much fish for my taste.

  2. One could do some mighty fine flouncing with those flounce. I've always been partial to ruffles, not just the chips! Kitty is the second cutest bartender I've seen. ;-)

  3. I know we're in Paris but surely the bartender can get some Black Cat Liqueur (from Spain) in her kitty paws:

    A perfect complement to the Flamenco!

  4. My only "improvement": that gal needs a canine by her side.

  5. hiker ~ ok, the idea of fish and coffee ~ where are those smelling salts again?!

    Cali ~ I'll bet you know how to work those flounces. Watch out, bartenders... ;)

    Oh, Susan ~ that's an awesome find, thank you! Coffee absinthe? Ooooh. Allow me to post the link again here ~ and it has a very cute video intro.

    You're right, puppy dog. What can I say?!

  6. Ah - my weekly daydream, giggles and wistful smiles. You never cease to please. Kitty cat is so much nicer than cranky faced man in original.

  7. I love how you've replaced "cranky-face" with kitty! The subtle shading of the glass, kitty's proud proprietorship. It's darling.

  8. You made me laugh, Debs! Perish the thought we include a cranky faced man in our daydreams. Kitty is much more conducive to good times.

    Petrea ~ thank you. How did you know 'darling' is one of my favourite words?

  9. I'll realistically admit to being too old to wear ruffles—but this is a fantasy, right? In that case, bring 'em on . . . and the café (not even decaf), and the distracted barista, and most of all, Paris! Merci, ma chère Shell --

  10. I absolutely adore this! You sure know how to tap into our dreams and know where we'd all like to be (and what we should wear). The colors are perfect. Pure delight!

  11. I finished Camelot & Vine last night, Petrea. I don't know if one can truly be objective when a dear friend has written a book, but I'll do my best. It is a one of the most captivating reads I can remember. What a ride! Thank you for creating something both entertaining and intelligent for us to enjoy. And it was so cool seeing other names I know in your acknowledgments. {Looking forward to my print edition arriving, too. I just wish I had your autograph!}

    Alexa ~ wear the ruffles, I implore you. And let's make your café a double shot.

    Thanks, dear Katie! I was tempted to keep our damsel in white, but my watercolour pans had other ideas.

  12. Thank you, Shell. "Entertaining and intelligent"! I love that and will keep it.

    I agree, it's not easy to be objective about a friend's work. But I'm glad you were captivated.

  13. I like the ruffles and the earrings -- perfect for a dance with a spicy Flamenco accordianist. Kitty is a wise bartender, yes? (much more pleasant than the frowning man). Totally lovely fantasy!

  14. I missed having Camelot & Vine to read tonight, Petrea. That's the downside of reading a great book ~ saying Bye at the end of it.

    Ms M ~ boy, am I glad I made that switch! No cranky-pants allowed in our fantasy land.

  15. I'm a total fan of Pure Café and cannot fathom what got you to be negative on their cocktails... :) Having said that; I don't drink cocktails so maybe you're right - this is such a lovely, inviting drawing and I just wish to sit there (no, not in this cold wintery weather), stretching my legs and listening to the music.
    Thank you Shell

  16. Hi, Kiki ~ thank you for joining the party! Not to worry, I was just having fun about the cocktails ~ I'm not sure our kitty bartender is up to tossing the bottles and shakers around. ;) {On her best day, perhaps...} Stretch those legs and we'll clink our glasses.

  17. Nice illustrations Shell and I like your name cute.


  18. Hi, Randall ~ thank you {on both counts}. :)

  19. Well, I am just ready to step right into that picture. Ahhhhh.

  20. We've been waiting for you, Margaret...


Merci, grazie, thank you for joining our conversation lounge. Your smile lights up the room. Even more beautifully than our crystal chandelier. x

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