Francophile Friday: In a Fainting Fashion

pigment ink pen & watercolour fashion illustration, 7" x 8.75" [18 x 22.5cm]

Hot on the heels of the wildly escalating popularity of the famed delicacy named the macaron {and not named the macaroon: one errant 'o' creates an entirely different pastry animal}, researchers are discovering the effects of a recently discovered phenomenon known in gastronomic circles as Macaron Fatigue.  In a somewhat contrary fashion, the term refers to both an overindulgence in macarons and a lack of sufficient macarons, both resulting in the risk of swooning.  While a romantic notion if one happens to have a chivalrous male with strong arms and good reflexes within a metre's perimeter, fainting in the street outside of this scenario might not lead to the most elegant of dispositions.   Clearly this damsel is in Macaron Distress, a precursor to and flashing beacon of impending Macaron Fatigue.  Following the convenient theory of homeopathic medicine whereby a small dose of something known to cause something can actually chase that very something away, might we suggest carrying a box of preventative macarons in one's purse {or inside suit pocket for the solicitous male of the species} at all times?  You're welcome.  And on that note...

Happy Fashionable Francophile Friday to you!

PS:  I might be posting more sporadically over the next little while ~ please subscribe to emails over on the right as a convenient way of knowing when I've posted something new.  Merci, grazie, thank you!


  1. So why become scarce? Macaroon fatigue or do Australians do that month off in August like they do in Europe? Either way, I like your interpretation of the damsel's photo

  2. I like your interpretation of this fab gown even more than the original, Shell! Alas, I am at serious risk of succumbing to a case of the macaron "vapors" (as it were), but it will be from the effort of avoiding the new calorie-laden macaron shop near my office, which I must pass each evening on my way home—when I am usually craving something caramel au fleur de sel-ish.
    Will be looking forward to your next illos—sporadic is better than nothing!

  3. So fanciful and fancy!

    Time to hibernate, huh? Stay warm!

  4. This is just fabulous! Have a lovely week ahead, Kellie xx

  5. Ah, this explains, at last, the odd langour that overcomes me once in a while. I had been valiantly persisting with the useless smelling salts and, in extreme cases, a whiff of clove-encrusted orange, but thanks to your excellent medical advice my ailments will be no more.

  6. Thanks, Ann ~ I'm glad you like it!

    Pasadena Adjacent ~ if anything, a lack of macarons rather than excess!

    Alexa ~ I shouldn't try to sway you from your good intentions, but a little part of me hopes you succumb once in a while. What if you email me the calories every time you eat a caramel au fleur de sel macaron? I'm happy to take a hit for the team.

    Thanks, dear cali! I might not hibernate after all but I just need the option at the moment.

    You too, Kellie ~ thank you.

    Mise ~ I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds smelling salts to be strangely inadequate. Your clove-encrusted orange sounds promising, though.

  7. Ton illustration est splendide comme d'habitude, je suis allée voir la photo, belle réalisation de ta part personnellement j'aime mieux ton aquarelle !
    Quant aux macarons, je craquerais pour un, au caramel à la fleur de sel, sans coup de fatigue !

  8. I'm all about this gown. It looks like clouds or waves. Enjoy you're time off -- looks like a lot of us are taking things easy this summer. Uh, winter.

  9. Fatigue fashion -- love it! You've done a stunning job with this gorgeous dress, as well as the Parisian details. Having once waaaay overindulged in macarons I can attest to the fatigue factor (although I didn't look quite like this), but I like the suggestion of small doses.

  10. Such a dreamy, romantic gown.... And good advice for any macaron affliction.
    It's nice to give yourself options -- like taking a little time off when you need it. I'll keep an eye out when the next "Shell Day" arrives :-)

  11. Oh, shoot me now. Apparently I'm having contractions. Your. Your. Your.

  12. I love gray. Grey. Whatever. I love it. It makes the best, prettiest clothes. I don't think it would make an appetizing macaron, however.

  13. VenetiaMicio ~ merci, ma chère! Et caramel à la fleur de sel ~ c'est un choix populaire. Enjoy! Bisous.

    Hiker ~ or perhaps cloudy waves. {PS: I'd rather your contractions than the other kind of contractions, any day.}

    Katie ~ I'll bet if you had this dress at the time, you'd look much like this.

    Thanks, Ms M! I'll do my best to ensure you don't have to wait long.

    Petrea ~ grey suits you, as does gray, whereas I doubt either grey or gray would suit a macaron. {Unless it was straying very close to lilac territory.}

  14. Might it be you have discovered the cure to most ailments, Shell? Thank you for passing on your sweet wisdom.

    I just adore this swooning damsel.

  15. Thanks, Susan ~ I like to think it applies to all the things I love eating. We can hope!

  16. Wow, that is gorgeous. I want a dress like that, and a figure like that.

  17. I can see you wearing this at your next book reading and signing, Margaret. We'll get the tailoring pixies onto it straight away. {The Pasadena/Altadena crew can take turns holding a fan near you to replicate the above effect.}

  18. wonderfully stylish ... as always, a pleasure to pop in x

  19. Thanks, dkshopgirl ~ I'm glad you like it.

  20. Was introduced to you work via Charlotte Clothier, Love everything!


  21. Hi, Peachy Keen ~ how lovely! I just 'met' Charlotte and she's a sweetheart. Thank you!

  22. Trouble is - keeping a little box in my purse "just in case" would cause me to swoon regardless as I would not be able to resist partaking - leading me to replenish - and partake again - until fatigue takes over..............
    Fabulous painting

  23. I see more than a passing resemblance to the chicken and the egg conundrum, Debs. Let us eat another macaron while we consider the possibilities.

  24. Oh, I always swoon over macarons, even when Holly and I make them! We have no shortage of fine macarons, but one must be careful as too many would spoil the look of this fine gown!

    My favorite? It's a toss-up between caramel au beurre salé and pistache! Let's have one of each!


  25. Genie ~ you and Holly inspire me to want to have another crack at making macarons. I'll start mentally preparing myself now and perhaps I'll be ready in a month or two! Bises...

  26. And, if you're not already aware, I've tagged you for a Liebster Award, my friend.

  27. Thank you, le0pard13 ~ I'm chuffed! I shall respond accordingly as soon as possible.


Merci, grazie, thank you for joining our conversation lounge. Your smile lights up the room. Even more beautifully than our crystal chandelier. x

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