Francophile Friday: Cirque du Carrousel

pigment ink & watercolour illustration, 8.75" x 7" [22.5 x 18cm] ACQUIRE PRINTS

When I first saw le Carrousel de Nogent at Genie's Paris and Beyond {thank you for the beautiful inspiration, ma chère!}, it reminded me of a circus tent ~ which seems fairly appropriate, given there's probably some clowning around going on inside, perhaps even red noses if someone pinches the last available seat.  Genie happened upon this all-weather carrousel on the esplanade de l'Hôtel de Ville.  So did Edward Scissorhands {after warming up on his practice pitch first.}  Given the somewhat theatrical nature of the scene, I've procured some costumes for us to wear inside.  With the protection from the elements afforded by this particular model of merry-go-round, we are at minimal risk of skirts flying, so relax and enjoy.  And on that note...

Happy Francophile Friday to you!


  1. Simply lovely. And dreamy. And whimsical. Love the tree!

  2. Me chère Shell! I knew this the moment I saw your beautiful illo, a true representation of this gorgeous town square. I hope that kitty enjoys watching from the bench. This is one of the most idyllic scenes just outside the city limits of Paris and appears to have been adapted from a fairy tale.

    Love this, and I am honored that you selected it. meep!


  3. I'm pleased to confirm that I shall be delighted to wear that exquisite blue dress in honour of this fine venue de Nogent. I expect to look even better than the model in it, if that were possible.

  4. Hi Shell,
    just stopped by to say g'day!
    Love your artwork.
    Found you through Etsy..while I was curating another treasury collection.

  5. Thanks, dear Cali ~ and if I can find a miniature of the tree, I'll have one drop-shipped to you. ;)

    Genie ~ meep!!! The honour is mine, and I'm delighted that you love it. And you did well with the kitty-spotting. Thank you as always, my sweet.

    Dear Mise ~ I thought you were the model...

    Hi, Victoria ~ thank you, it's lovely to meet you, fellow Etsian Brisbanite! {Should we develop a secret handshake?} Your work is delightful ~ and those papier-mâché sailing ships are magical.

  6. I'm lost in the beautifully realized details of this elegant illo. And if I had a tree, I'd be trimming it right now! Have a lovely weekend, ma chère . . .

  7. Oh Meepsie and I love it too!!! A magical carrousel if I ever saw one!
    Bon weekend sweet Shell,
    V et M

  8. What a magical scene! A delightful get-away for the weekend. (My kitty and I will bring a treat to share with your Kitty :-))

  9. Beautiful! A carousel brings so much memories. Enjoy the fabulous week ahead, Kellie xx

  10. I love the enclosed carousel. Seems we could have a private party there, just us and the gentlemen we choose to invite.

  11. It looks so pretty. Me want to go to there.

  12. Alexa ~ it's probably a good thing that I don't have hedge clippers, or my trees would have very bad haircuts.

    V et Meepsie ~ the view from inside must be pretty lovely, too!

    Ms M ~ my kitty likes the way you and your kitty think.

    Thanks, Kellie ~ I'm always happy to spark good memories.

    Petrea ~ now, there's a thought. Let's make a list...

    Margaret ~ Colin's going straight onto The List, see above.

  13. So nice to meet you Shell
    I came here via Genie's blog.. I just had to come by and see your artwork.. Beautiuful art!!! I really love your choice of colors.

  14. Hi, Penny ~ it's lovely to meet you! Thank you for visiting from Genie's beautiful blog ~ I'm honoured.

  15. does the carousel include carved camels? as much as I love the ponies, my favorite carousel's are those made up of all sorts of animals; giraffs, camels, tigers etc

  16. I think you'd like this one, Pasadena Adjacent, the Dodo Manège near the southeast entrance to Jardin de Plantes. Another of Genie's beautiful photos.

    1. I do I do I do. Thank you for finding the link. That is extraordinary

    2. You're most welcome. Some things stick in my head, PA. Not always the useful ones, so I'm glad I thought of it.

  17. Wow, that's really something. God, I love Paris.

  18. Petrea ~ you must be overdue for another trip to your beloved city...

  19. Gorgeous carrousel! Your illustration is fabulous (so many amazing details!), as is Genie's photo. And your dress choice is perfect. I fear there will be quite a bit of carousing in the carrousel though, especially as we each add to your list. (I've been watching the Zen series recently and suggest Rufus Sewell join our party. Wearing a fancy Italian suit of course.)

  20. It sounds like you're at least five years overdue then, Petrea ~ if you could bear to leave Boz for your trip, that is. Leaving Ella is no small part of my challenge!

    Thanks, dear Katie. "...carousing in the carrousel..." ~ heh! Nice choice ~ we're a bit short on the brooding type.

  21. I'm compelled to speak in the vernacular of my grandmother's time for some reason: that little blue number is divine! Perhaps it's the antique flavor of the carousel. I'm on my way. I hope Rufus hasn't left!

  22. Beautifully said, Susan. Your grandmother would be proud.


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