Francophile Friday: Patrick's Petal Power

ink pen & watercolour illustration, 7" x 8.75" [18 x 22.5cm] BROWSE PRINTS

Based on the signage, there are no shrinking violets here.  If you have it, flaunt it.  And from the looks of this charming and pretty fleuriste in Paris, there is floral artistry afoot.  Though it's been a particularly dreary and drizzly day here {whine}, many of you elsewhere are frolicking amongst the colours of spring and rainbows, not necessarily in that order.  The calories from our macaron diversions of a fortnight ago have long since evaporated, so let's cinch our waists and prepare to lose ourselves in the decadence of all things flowery and bright chez Patrick Allain.  And on that note...

Happy Francophile Friday to you!

Patrick Allain Fleuriste
51 rue Saint-Louis en l'Île, Paris 75004


  1. I'm one of those frolickers, finding it difficult to square my mental image of you with surroundings of any manner of dreariness, Shell. In my mind you float through petal-strewn avenues, a sharply bow-tied cat gamboling at your elegant heels.

  2. Thank god it's Shellday. Rain and clouds out this way too, so I'll meet you at this beautiful Patrick Allain, say noonish?

  3. Every spring I await the Hollyhocks and I appreciate how long it takes them to go through their blooming cycle. More time to enjoy them.

    So you choose Friday when everyone is in a goof mood to blog? smart cookie you! Did you create this painting over the week? I'm a fan of architectural renderings.

    btw: in one of my (can't sleep) watch TV sessions, I came across a 1 hr program about Koalas in Queensland. The biologist tracking them through peoples backyards etc. One had crossed the freeway five times and was living in a Euk next to a onramp - thought of you

  4. You're plucking at my heartstrings with this, Shell. I love this chic little flower shop on the Ile St. Louis! The gorgeous belt will have to wait, I'm afraid—I can't be this close to Berthillon without stopping by for a scoop (or two) of caramel au fleur de sel ice cream! Hope the sun appears over there real soon, ma chère.

  5. Shellday! I love that, and aren't those flowers so fresh and beautiful. AH is right. It is overcast here, but I love it. When the marine layer leaves, it will be hot, hot, hot for months.

  6. Mise ~ on reading your comment, I can feel the roses coming back into my cheeks. Thank you.

    Hiker ~ it's a date. And you had me at Shellday.

    I figure it's fun to help kickstart the weekend, PA. This one came off the drawing board Thursday, so the flowers didn't need to go into the cold room first. I'm glad you saw some press on the plight of the koala - it's having a very tough time all over Australia with political agendas and land developers, at its expense. Gets my cranky pants on every time I think of it. Deborah Tabart OAM is CEO of the Australian Koala Foundation - she's tireless, ferocious and grounded, and our furry icons need every bit of that on their side. Thank you for your kind thoughts towards them.

    Alexa ~ thank you, ma chère! Do you have a snap of Berthillon? It would be my pleasure to take us there so we can follow your lead. {And thanks to your wishes, the Antarctic winds have blown the clouds away! More layers required but I'm very happy to have the blue skies and sunlight.}

    Margaret ~ Hiker has a way with words, as do you. Enjoy the marine layer while it lasts.

  7. My Paris amie Mary made me take a photo of her in front of this very special shop once. J'adore!

  8. It's settled. Friday is Shellday. By the way, I love the fashions you pin in Pinterest, but I couldn't find the cranky pants.

  9. Love the flower shop! and your gorgeous illustration of it x Enjoy a wonderful weekend :-)

  10. Yes, Friday is now designated as Shellday, by popular vote. The beautiful blossoms are most welcome, as it's been gray and rainy here, too. (I see that Kitty is keeping watch over the shoppe. Perhaps an extra treat is in order for her?)

  11. Gorgeous shop front dear Shell! Hello to Kitty behind the window upstairs! I'm going to have to indulge in some of those delish macarons now! How wonderful they look displayed on that fab stand! Hugs and brrrts to you and Ella from me and Purrson! :)

  12. I was pretty sure you'd have a photo of this spot in your extensive collection, dear V!

    Petrea ~ some things are better left unpinned... and I'm too busy designing a new calendar. The cranky pants will be up to your excellent imagination for now.

    Thanks, dkshopgirl! I hope you have some R&R planned.

    Ms M ~ you can slip upstairs and hand-feed some treats to our kitty. I believe she gets a double serve on Shelldays.

    Enjoy the macarons, Favourite Vintage Finds! Hugs and brrrts back from us to you and Purrson.

  13. I hereby declare Monday Shellday as well, at least in my tardy world. I almost missed Miss Kitty upstairs but of course no respectable flower shop would be complete without such a feline flourish.

    I'm so sorry to hear about the plight of the koalas. That makes me all cranky pants, too. There was a mountain lion in a Santa Monica building last week. They tranquilized him but he didn't take kindly to it and so they shot and killed him. Poor animals all over the planet losing their land and fighting for survival.

    Sorry for the downer. Hope you get some sunshine today, Shell!

  14. Bummer that you've had drizzly and dreary weather, but at least it's sunny at Patrick's flower shop! As it was a holiday weekend in the US I missed the official Friday Shellday, but I figure that any visit to your blog is Shellday to me. I'm not sure I've noticed this shop before, but like Alexa I'm always making a bee-line for Berthillon. I celebrated my 20th Birthday in Paris by having a cone there, and try to go back every trip. My favorite is the passionfruit sorbet. I too will skip the belt, but I'd love that Oscar de la Renta diaphanous top. Wowza!

  15. Susan ~ Miss Kitty is very discreet ~ all those who spotted her have been eating their carrots. That's such a sad story about the mountain lion. You must have cried like I do when hearing of such things. It's all out of whack. We'll keep doing what we can in our own ways to create awareness and hopefully bring about more understanding.

    Katie ~ I'm sure Berthillon would distract me, too. I love passionfruit so your fave sounds very good to me. I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend!

  16. The story of the mountain lion was all over the news here. I get the impression that most people were as angry as Susan and I were. The Santa Monica police botched it badly. It was a small cat, they cornered her and there was no reason to kill her. Animal Control should have been called but the police panicked. You're right, Shell, about things getting out of whack.

  17. Flower power! And no sneezing involved! Finally have some sun this way. Most definitely wish you were here to enjoy it.

  18. That's awful, Petrea. The mountain lion would have been terrified. What a sad and unnecessary outcome.

    Cali ~ I'm glad you can bask in the sun over there. It would be lovely to enjoy it with you!

  19. Goodness I'm late! It's almost time for the next Friday Shellday, and I'm only just catching up on this one.
    So very sad about that poor mountain lion. And the koala situation makes me put on cranky pants too. I remember some used to live behind us in our old house just outside Brisbane. Until our idiot neighbour's idiot dog killed it.

  20. Oh, Debs, that's dreadful. Our poor koalas fare terribly with cars, dogs and developers. A match made far, far away from heaven. Destruction of the koala's habitat drives them closer to cars and dogs. It's wrong.

  21. Another beauty Shell... your illustrations just get better and better... xv

  22. I love this one.. you should take a look at my website as I think you would be a fabulous fit to sell with us ;)

  23. Thank you, dear Vicki! Have a beautiful weekend...

    Hi, Down that Little Lane ~ it's lovely to meet you. I'll pop over and take a look at your site ~ thanks!


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