Francophile Friday: Arnaud Delmontel, Paris

ink pen & watercolour illustration, 8.75" x 7" [22.5 x 18cm] ACQUIRE PRINTS

Ah yes, Arnaud.  It's grey and chilly.  Perhaps someone could whisper in winter's ear that it's still autumn here and I'd be grateful if the coldest season would wait its turn.  But by happy coincidence, it was a grey and chilly April day in Paris when dear Virginia Jones captured the inspiration for today's illustration in Paris Through her {talented} Lens.  {Thank you, merci, ma chère!  I hope you don't mind, but I turned the sky blue in hopes it will catch on here.}  An 'architect of small pleasures',  Arnaud Delmontel is revered by his clientele for his crusty baguettes and his colourful macarons and desserts. Today's subject can be found in Montmartre {there are others in the 9th and 17th arrondissements}, and you can take a little tour thanks to their charming website.

If we need an extra layer for the weekend, this should do the trick.  Or if you want to trade flats for heels, let's keep the boldness rolling.  As for these little fellows, I couldn't resist bringing them along for the ride.  There are scooters and sidecars waiting for us around the corner. And on that note...

Happy Francophile Friday to you!

PS: One of our regulars and unabashed francophiles, dkshopgirl, is including a little feature on yours truly this Sunday.  {Thank you, dk ~ I'm honoured!} Please enjoy losing yourself in her drifty and pretty blog.

arnaud Delmontel
57 rue Damrémont - 75018 Paris
tél. : +33 (0)1 42 64 59 63 


  1. ... every Friday i wait for the next fabulous adventure and yet again, have been transported to your favourite new place in Paris...

    ... so excited to be featuring you on Sunday x

    1. I'm chuffed, dkshopgirl. Most chuffed. Thanks again, ma chère.

  2. Looking forward to reading about one of my favourite artists :)
    And of course the trench, heels, and pooches go fabulously as I shop for baguettes. x

    1. You rock that outfit, Debs. {And everyone can do with more baguettes in their diets.}

  3. Oh you picked another fav of mine Sweet Shell! Of course I'm delighted you turned the skies to bleu in Paris. That morning I snapped the original it was not so spiffy outside!

    Merci and a big PUUURRRRRRR from your biggest feline friend, the Meepster herself, avec scarf of course.

    1. Zut alors, I forgot to give Ella/Meepsie a scarf! What was I thinking! I will rectify it soon, dear V. ;)

  4. I could use a baguette right about now.

    1. You and me, both, Margaret. Maybe I'll console myself with a Vegemite sandwich on sourdough.

  5. Wow, your illustration is quite the delightful confection! So many amazing details. Luckily I don't live near a place like this or I'd be sampling the sweets every day. Love the heels, although in my size they'd almost look like actual Dalmations. Can't wait to see the Sunday profile of you on dkshopgirl!

    1. Katie, you make me laugh! Not to worry, ballet flats suit you beautifully.

  6. Ah, Shell, you take us to such superb places through your ileos. The spotted wrap, I'll take, but I'll leave the heels for someone else. Now, to decide which confections to sample....

    1. Thanks, Ms M! Bonne chance with your decision making...

  7. I knew V would be chuffed—and I'm charmed comme toujours by your take on Paris. I just want to be there with the cute customer (toi, n'est-ce pas?), dressed in Dalmatian spots, teetering on ridiculous heels, and ordering baguettes and bons-bons. Hope your invented blue skies follow you home for real, ma chère . . .

    1. It could be moi, Alexa ~ I quite fancy a skirt like that one. {As for the blue skies, it seems they are still on the stand-by list.}

  8. Oh I so look forward to a dotty totter round that exquisite establishment in my slightly challenging heels, steadying myself against the macaron counter as I pass, and what a striking gang we'll make in our coordinated ensembles, with perhaps yourself, Shell, sporting an extra dot or two, to indicate that you are our Spiritual Leader.

  9. How perfect that Ella has the counter to herself! Your art and interpretations are always a delight, and I am glad that you turned those gray skies blue... almost seems like a song, n'est-ce pas?


    1. Thanks, dear Genie. I hope Monsieur Delmontel doesn't mind me putting a snoozing kitty cat on his counter. ;)

  10. I could wear the polka-dot jacket! I could! But I could not wear those heels!


    Shell, dear, the link in your copy to dkshopgirl isn't working. However, one can simply go to her comment and click through to her. Highly recommended.

    1. I can see you in that jacket, Petrea. As for the shoes, I suspect they were built for neither comfort nor speed. Thanks so much for letting me know about the link ~ now fixed!

  11. Albert says nix on the dalmatians, but he's quite smitten with the strawberry blonde. As am I. You don't suppose I could find a pain au chocolat in there, do you?

    1. My apologies to Albert about the spotty dogs, but the strawberry blonde is very happy to have the attention. {And if not a pain au chocolat, surely something au chocolat.}

  12. J'avais autrefois, moi aussi, un petit cocker, mais je l'attachais dehors à la porte, et il m'attendait sagement !
    Une fois en sortant il avait disparu, il avait suivi des enfants jusque dans le square voisin pour jouer au ballon...

    1. I can understand how tempting it would have been for your little puppy dog to follow the children playing ball. I'm glad he didn't wander too far! Bisous, Danielle...

  13. The only thing missing from their charming website is your charming illo. What I wouldn't give to have your talent!

    1. Thank you so very much, dear cali! I'm charmed by your lovely compliment. And you have plenty of talents - I won't make you blush by listing them here. ;)

  14. Shell, I adore this. Your illos always make me want to go to Paris, but this one makes me feel like I belong there. I could take Tommy into Arnaud Delmontel when I crave a crusty baguette rather than leaving him on the sidewalk forlorn as I do here in California. Of course we may be kicked out when he terrorizes the kitty on the counter, but perhaps I can distract him with a macaron.

    1. Thanks, dear Susan. I love imagining you and Tommy in Arnaud Delmontel. And I'm sure the kitty can make for higher ground if needs be.


Merci, grazie, thank you for joining our conversation lounge. Your smile lights up the room. Even more beautifully than our crystal chandelier. x

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