Francophile Friday: Roses Alight in Paris

ink & watercolour illustration, 7" x 8.75" [18 x 22.5cm] ACQUIRE PRINTS
Soft lamp-lighting is very much at home Chez Shell.  Not only could it make an excellent training ground for guide dog puppies, but it's warm and forgiving, and makes everything look better.  I've learned never to underestimate the magical powers of illumination.  No surprise that this infatuation extends outdoors to the pink streetlights of Venice.  Imagine my delight to see these lanterns with rose-coloured glasses in Paris, thanks to Virginia of Paris Through My Lens.  {Merci et bises for the gorgeous inspiration yet again, dear V!!} 

On a complementary note as we head into the weekend, I'm happy to announce the release of a sweet set of Paris-inspired flat notecards/postcards to the store, in packs of three or nine with elegant cream envelopes ~ for those who still love the handwritten note as I do.

Rose petal macarons and pink champagne all around!  And on that note...

Happy Francophile Friday to you!


  1. I have some pics of old light fixtures. None as colorful as yours, ShSh. TGIFF!

  2. Oh, I remember her post with these beautiful lamps in pink! Your watercolor is a lovely interpretation... Je l'adore!


  3. Lovely, and I am appreciating good lighting more and more these day.

  4. When I saw this post's title in Blogger, I knew I'd love it even before I saw the lovely painting. Absolutely charming, Shell, as are your new cards. May many, many recipients have their day made prettier by them.

  5. As always, you've done V's original inspiration proud, ma chère. You know my motto: pink light, candlelight, or no light—so you know I just love this!

  6. As usual with the things you illustrate, I wish I had several of these around the house. I'd keep them on all day long and stop wearing makeup or even skip moisturizing for a day or two.

    And I love your cards! Sent you an email about them.

    Happy weekend, Shell!

  7. Lovely cards. And nothing beats handwriting. I find handwriting a stronger connection to the past than photographs.

  8. Cafe ~ we don't have beauties like these around my parts, either.

    Thanks, dear Genie! They'd look stunning out on my verandah...

    Margaret ~ I know it's not the green way to look at things, but I still bemoan the loss of incandescent bulbs.

    Mise ~ your radar for the colour pink is excellent. And speaking of charm...

    Alexa ~ I love your motto. Worth the occasional stubbed toe.

    Thanks, dear Pop Culture Nerd. My reply is e-winging its way to you.

    Hiker ~ I nearly hyperventilated when I heard schools here might relegate cursive writing {or running writing as we call it} to the archives. Not in my world.

  9. Beautiful lights of Paris - must check out your store again soon!!! happy friday :-)

  10. Gorgeous! The details are fabulous, but the way you've created the pink glow from the lights is particularly amazing. I'd love a floor lamp like this. Cool cards! I'll go check out your new offerings.

  11. Those are complimentary notes indeed, Shell!

  12. Thanks, dkshopgirl, and I really appreciate all your Facebook kindness!

    Katie ~ you've been very patient and only gently nudged me on cards a couple of times. ;) I confess, I was rather pleased with myself over the lamp lights...

    Petrea ~ heh, thank you!

  13. Such a lovely view for us! Nothing like a rose-colored glow of light!
    Cool cards, too, delightful!

    I think handwriting gives you an idea of the writer's personality -- something typing cannot do.

  14. Those pink lanterns are the same shade as Louise's velvet snout. They're beautiful, Shell.

  15. Ms M ~ absolutely! I'm no expert in handwriting analysis but even instinctively, it tells a lot. And it gives a tangible connection to the writer.

    Oh, Susan ~ what a gorgeous way to describe them! I love the idea of that.

  16. you have such a beautiful blog and the sketches are so neat. I used to sketch at one point of time .. with work load and etc .. i forgot about that hobby!

  17. Hi, kankana ~ thank you, and it's lovely to meet you. I hope you pick up the sketching again sometime.

  18. The colors are so striking, as usual! This illo is particularly soothing. As is your blog.

    I agree with Ms M about handwriting vs typing. Which is why I prefer typing! ;-)

  19. Thank you, dear Cali. As for the writing, think of the lost coloured-ink opportunities... :)

  20. Soft pink lighting. Beautiful. I painted my bathroom a pinky-peach shade to be flattering, and the photo made it into a magazine spread.
    I cannot resist the notecards...

  21. Sounds beautiful, Lori Lynn. I'd love to see it! And thank you...


Merci, grazie, thank you for joining our conversation lounge. Your smile lights up the room. Even more beautifully than our crystal chandelier. x

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