ink & watercolour illustration, 7" x 8.75" [18 x 22.5cm] ACQUIRE PRINTS |
Followers of
le Tour de France {and most people with a telly} will know that this year, for the first time, an Australian won the maillot jaune ~ yellow jersey ~ and if a fluffy toy was given for Most Valiant and Humble,
Cadel Evans would have won that, too. Afficionados with the gist of tactics and technicalities will wax lyrically about what a beautiful race it was from that perspective. As for me, I just did a big happy dance. Life's simple Chez Shell. In celebration of Cadel's win, I've gone to the archives and dug back a couple of years to find this fine Paris Jaune inspiration
thanks to dear Virginia of Paris Through My Lens. My interpretation heads towards the pumpkin side of yellow, but it's the thought that counts. Rather than be predictable, our kitty is not cycling today, but limbering up for her ballet class. Or endeavouring to open the door. Shall we help her out? And on that note...
Happy Francophile Friday to you!