Francophile Friday: Scooter to a Tea


ink & watercolour illustration, 7" x 8.75" [18 x 22.5cm] ACQUIRE PRINTS

This weekend, we're taking a tea leaf from Hugh's book.  Our kitty mascot is leading the pastel scootercade through Paris to this beautiful salon de thé.  Merci and hugs to sweet Genie of Paris and Beyond for the magnificent inspiration.   I usually prefer a half-strength latte when I'm out and about {it's a slippery slope down the caffeine precipice from there}, but I'll happily take a refreshing pot of tea when it involves meeting up with friends somewhere as pretty as this.   I'm thinking darjeeling with organic rose petals and pieces of vanilla bean, hand-cut by a Tibetan monk.  If you're after something of a more medicinal nature, you might procure a glass of red at the same establishment.  The choice is yours.  And on that note...

Happy Francophile Friday to you!

Venerdi in Venice: Shutters & Flowers


ink & watercolour illustration, 8.75" x 7" [22.5 x 18cm] ACQUIRE PRINTS

Last Friday, we soaked up the atmosphere of flowers and shutters in Paris, then made ourselves at home for the weekend.  And the weekend became rather extended.  I'm still trying to retrieve lampshades from the heads of some of our guests {not mentioning names ~ sometimes discretion really is the better part of valor}.  To expedite our departure, it seemed prudent to simply exchange one royal flush of flowers and shutters for another... but with a change of city to keep us on our toes.   Thank you to dear Catherine Hédouin via sweet Danielle's VenetiaMicio for the beautiful Venice inspiration.   I'll continue to work on the lampshade removal while you open those shutters more widely and embrace the canal view.  And on that note...

Happy Venerdi in Venice to you!

Francophile Friday: Flowers & Shutters


ink & watercolour illustration, 7" x 8.75" [18 x 22.5cm] ACQUIRE PRINTS

On a day when one has gone everywhere in Paris, as Virginia felt this particular day {thank you as always, dear V!}, a relaxed lunch with a view like this is in order.   And your chances of scoring such a view in Paris would be pretty high.  Shutters, flowering pot plants ~ perhaps even the occasional adventurous kitty cat ~ these are commonplace but never common.  I shall consult my Filofax to see whose turn it is to charm the inhabitants into a weekend stay for us.  No, wait.  I see I already have some volunteers who are eminently qualified for the job.  And on that note...

Happy Francophile Friday to you!

PS:  You might recall that some of my illustrations are available as customised stationery at Nôte Couture.  To my delight, I was also commissioned to create a custom illustration for Nôte Couture's blog banner.  {Thanks, dear Julie!}  It's over HERE if you'd like to take a peep.

Francophile Friday: Shoes Afoot


ink & watercolour illustration, 7" x 8.75" [18 x 22.5cm] ACQUIRE PRINTS

In winter, I don't think a glass slipper would cut it for me.  But spring, summer ~ those are indubitably glass slipper seasons.  I wonder if some part of our collective shoe obsession is deeply seated in Cinderella. {We can call it Cendrillon or La Petite Pantoufle de Verre for an extra dusting of magic.}  The speed of my circulation emulates that of the tortoise, not the hare, so winter finds my feet more closely aligned with another charming tail, Puss in Boots.  Whatever your story, the quest to be beautifully shod must be even more enchanted in Paris, and the atelier of this Japanese artisan, Tamano Merci, thank you to dear Virginia of Paris Through My Lens for the lovely photo inspiration.  I'll rustle up some gowns and bubbly and meet you all outside.  If you arrive to find a pumpkin and some mice, you'll know the party has already moved upstairs.  And on that note...

Happy Francophile Friday to you!
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