ink & watercolour illustration, 7" x 8.75" [18 x 22.5cm] ACQUIRE PRINTS |
In winter, I don't think a glass slipper would cut it for me. But spring, summer ~ those are indubitably glass slipper seasons. I wonder if some part of our collective shoe obsession is deeply seated in
Cinderella. {We can call it Cendrillon or La Petite Pantoufle de Verre for an extra dusting of magic.} The speed of my circulation emulates that of the tortoise, not the hare, so winter finds my feet more closely aligned with another charming tail,
Puss in Boots. Whatever your story, the quest to be beautifully shod must be even more enchanted in Paris, and
the atelier of this Japanese artisan, Tamano. Merci, thank you to dear Virginia of Paris Through My Lens for the lovely photo inspiration. I'll rustle up some gowns and bubbly and meet you all outside. If you arrive to find a pumpkin and some mice, you'll know the party has already moved upstairs. And on that note...
Happy Francophile Friday to you!