Francophile Friday: Vicki's Boulangerie

ink & watercolour illustration, 8.75" x 7" [22.5 x 18cm] ORDER PRINT
Bonjour.  I'm so glad to see you again. Yes, really see you again, rather than through a foggy haze, courtesy of being a 'visually vague person,' as labelled affectionately by my specialist, Dr Julie.  {A few 'tsk, tsk, tsks' were also involved.} Thank you for your kind and caring comments and emails to check in on me.  I've missed you all. 

Now that I've packed away the eye mask, let's embark on our long overdue trip to the south of France thanks to Vicki Archer of French Essence, one of the most exquisite places in Blogland.  Odds are, you already know Vicki ~ but if not, you'll be glad to.  Vicki is a gracious Australian writer who lives between London and St Rémy de Provence; she lives what many would consider to be a charmed life, but always wears her humanity and heart on her sleeve.  Vicki generously agreed to my request to use her Boulangerie photo as inspiration for today's post.   Thank you, dear Vicki.  You're a honey.  We'll be glad to pull up a wicker chair here and pat the kitty.  And on that note...

Happy Francophile Friday to you!


  1. So glad to "see" you back ! And to be the first one to welcome you !
    My new favorite boulangerie ! Wish I had a Bio one close !

  2. Welcome back, Shell! Straight back from visually vague to visually vivid with your usual charming evocations. Take it easy this time round and have lots more pauses for exquisite drinks to rest your eyes.

  3. So glad to see you back, sweet Shell! Tu me manques!

    I remember Vicki's boulangerie for its utter charm and you have so beautifully interpreted it here, complete with kitty and terrasse!

    Big hugs to you and so glad that your vision is back to better-than-normal!


  4. Welcome back! I'm glad to see you and I'll repeate mise's "take it easy." We want you to stay for the long term.

  5. You're back! I'm tickled pink. (I'll check out your friend's site, though I may suffer a bout of geographic envy.)

  6. Welcome back. It seems so long since we had a post from our favourite, quirky artist! Baci from Venice. xxx

  7. So glad you are back...and I love, love, love your interpretation of this boulangerie....xv

  8. Welcome back to the blogosphere, ShSh!

    You sound rested, relaxed, refreshed, and tanned. Ready for another run.
    I don't know what else to add to the other comments so I'll just say this one last thing (in French): Ditto!

  9. I'm so happy to "see" you finally !
    I miss you. Your drawing is lovely and on the picture's Vicki, there is also a cat ! Marvellous.
    St Rémy is near my home...

  10. This charming illo brought a smile to my face. Am so glad I clicked the link to Vicki's blog as I thought Ms Kitty was a touch of poetic license!

    Oh how I have missed seeing your signature shade of aqua. And you, of course! And visually vague beats mentally vague any day. ;-) Welcome home!

  11. And of course a kitty is waiting. Welcome back!

  12. Why didn't i realise you have a blog and why aren't i following it??? well, you're on my list now and i'm so glad you're posting! From your outback follower :-)

  13. Your drawings always bring a smile to my face! I'm so glad to know that you are back. Do take care.

  14. Nice surprise this morning to find your drawing : ) Nice to see you are back!
    Have a nice weekend!

  15. WELCOME BACK, SHELL!!!!! So glad your eyes are better. I squealed a little when I saw you've got a new illo up. I think I'll spend the rest of my afternoon on the chair sipping tea and having macarons.

    Happy, happy weekend!

  16. Welcome back to you and Kitty! I'm glad you got some rest. And now that we're at Vicki's Boulangerie, lets celebrate with some special treats! :-)

  17. Yay you're back! Sounds like the break allowed your eyes time to heal, which is great news for you as well as us as I know I'm not the only one who has missed your weekly illustrations. This one is absolutely adorable and now I know exactly where I want to spend the weekend! I'll be happily camped out on that bench eating as many pain au chocolate as the boulangerie can make. And thanks for the link to Vicki's blog! I'll try not to get too jealous looking at it.

  18. It's pretty! Enjoy the lovely weekend, Kellie xx

  19. Dieu soit loué—you are back at your drawing board! Friday is once again a day for wit and whimsy and puss cats. Must thank you for introducing me to Vicki's charming blog too. SO glad to "see" you again, ma chere, and trust you'll continue to take good care of those baby hazels!

  20. Big welcome back hugs from me and you-know-who dear Shell! Brrrt! :) Gorgeous illo! And it's lovely to get a dose of Shell delightfulness here again! XX

  21. I'm basking in the warm and fuzzy {-yet-crisp-to-look-at} glow of your beautiful welcomes back. You make my day. And my week. It felt mighty fine to draw and paint again, and even finer to see your smiling faces. Merci, grazie, bisous, bacetti and brrt!! {And welcome, dkshopgirl!} Happy weekend to us all...

  22. I am late to the welcoming party, but I too am delighted to see your return! I love the new illo and Vicki's photo. Such a happy cat sitting in that window. Frieda and Ramona are jealous!

    I owe you an email about Meeps. I've been consumed with the move, but I haven't forgotten. It's coming soon!

  23. It's always fine to be stylishly late here, Susan. I'm so happy you're moving into your new home ~ enjoy every moment! I'll bet Tommy is beside himself. And all the best for Frieda & Ramona settling in. {No rush on the other. :) }


Merci, grazie, thank you for joining our conversation lounge. Your smile lights up the room. Even more beautifully than our crystal chandelier. x

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