Francophile Friday: Paris, Honey?

ink & watercolour illustration, 7" x 8.75" [18 x 22.5cm] Paris Prints Here
My mum and her hubby keep bees.  Well, technically, hubby keeps the bees.  But as their hives reside just a hop, skip and pair of sensible shoes down the slope from the back verandah, my mother can't help but be a tad besotted with their endearing behaviour ~ therefore, she is going back where she went before {when the bees first moved in} and had vowed never to go again {after an unfortunate early incident involving a flaming smoke puffer and an ill-fitting beekeeper suit}, and is going to become a beekeeper's assistant once more {with a puffer she has personally prepped and a gaffer-tape-modified beekeeper suit}.  After a happy ending to a swarming event by these dear little creatures earlier this week {spacious peach tree versus insufficient room for bees-knees}, I took inspiration from Cali's photo {merci, dear Cali!} of this quaint faux beehive on a street corner in the quartier des Halles in Paris to see us into the weekend. {Update: located on Rue Pierre Lescot.}  May your weekend be filled with milk and honey.  And well-behaved bees.  And on that note...

Happy Francophile Friday to you!


  1. I love the colors, Shell! I hope someone will be able to tell us the street name cause I sure can't remember! LOL.

    Bees remind me of Napoleon. And my Laguiole knives!

    Your mom is brave!

  2. Wunderful as per the norm, ShSh!

    One day you gotta do a painting of our In N Out burgers here in Cal!! That should be something!

  3. P.S. Forgot to add that the knives are not the authentic!

  4. "THE" authentic? Geez Louise!

  5. This is moi, unable to stop laughing! I'm with your mum—let's always have appropriate attire plus gaffer's tape ever at the ready where multiple bees are concerned. Nice capture by our pal Cali—and wonderful interpretation by you!

  6. Cali ~ I'm glad you like it! And hee hee!! Please, step away from the puffer...

    Cafe ~ a whimsical burger? It has potential.

    Thanks, Alexa! I wish you could hear my mum recounting her bee stories. You'd love it.

  7. Love your story and the painting! I'll be sure and have some honey with tomorrow's breakfast :)

  8. Why of course, sweetie! --Oh, perhaps you didn't mean me in particular. I'm ready, in any case. I have the gaffer's tape (I'm married to an ex-grip), and it would just be the bee's knees.

  9. I've been stung by a Paris Honey. ;-)

  10. I'm just trying to rid myself of the picture of your mother in an ill fitting bee suit and sensible shoes. Strangely I've somehow added a string of pearls to the mix. Sheesh I need coffee.

  11. Ms M ~ that's a sweet idea!

    Petrea ~ gee, you packed quickly, didn't you!

    Anonymous ~ I suspect you're not alone. ;)

    Debs ~ my mum is WAY more suited to pearls than the beekeeper suit. So you don't need a coffee after all. :)

  12. I'm sure Debs is right that your mother wears her pearls on top of the beekeeper suit, and pins a corsage to it. I'd expect her to have as high standards as yourself of what is charming and seemly. May I interest her in a 12 ton container of empty Bonne Mamam jam-jars in which to store her honey?

  13. I do love a good Francophile Friday dear Shell. It is always "the bees' knees". Now I've got to make a note to find that have next visit.

  14. I hope your mum is reading this.

    An illo of her in her beekeeper space suit, avec pearls, would be special, don't you think? You don't have to do it, though, because we're all picturing it.

  15. Mise, Petrea ~ indeed, mum is one of the most glamorous women imaginable {a fine Leo, through and through}, so the juxtaposition {aah} of her usual self with the beekeeping get-up is even more remarkable. {As for the jars, Mise, they'd be most charming and seemly. Do you know a cost-effective stevedore?}

    Thanks, dear Virginia ~ if you do happen upon this beehive, we'd love to know exactly where it is.

  16. Your mum is glamorous? The bee didn't fall far from the hive.

  17. Hiker ~ shucks! {Wait ~ that didn't sound very glamorous...}

  18. Wonderful .. I was in Paris only last week, I should have look for the dripping honey!
    Great illustration, as always. Hope you are well.

  19. Oh Shell, now I will "bee" obsessed with finding this charming building in December!

    What a rich description of your mum and the suit -- the pearls would of course be part of the attire!

    Shell, you have pleased us again with your beautiful art and stories!

  20. I really enjoyed your description. I'm going to check out Cali's photo now...cause I really like your sketch.

  21. Love the visual of mom in her beekeeper suit with pearls, and may I add...gloves??? (of course, not the beekeeper type, you know, the delicate white cotton type !!!)

  22. Oh, what an unusual place for a hive! I have a friend who's a beekeeper because she likes making her own honey. I'm afraid I'd be much too chicken to do anything like that.

    My only experience with a bee was when I was driving one day, it came in through my open window, bit me right in the neck then died and fell down my shirt. I almost crashed trying to get it out of there, with one hand on the wheel and the other down my shirt.

    I think your mom is really, really brave and I'd also like to see her in the suit!

  23. Pop culture...what a visual!!! I totally get the hand down the shirt trying to get it out!!! At least you weren't allergic to the sting!!!

  24. Yes, I was grateful for that. I'm allergic to some things so as I was trying not to crash, I was thinking, "I hope I won't start blowing up, too!"

    My husband is allergic to them. On the very first romantic trip we took while dating, we had just arrived at the hotel and jumped into the very nice pool when hubby was stung by a bee. He swelled up and I had to play nursemaid. That made things decidedly less romantic.

    I don't have good luck with bees.

  25. Pop Culture...that story reminds me of an old Doris Day, Cary Grant movie...don't remember the title though!!!

  26. the GyPsY ~ oh, lovely! Maybe next trip...

    Thanks, Genie! We'll look forward to you buzzing back here to tell us if you locate it.

    Indie.Tea ~ sorry there's no link to Cali's photo. You'd like it.

    The Chieftess ~ by all means, white cotton gloves would be a lovely touch! I don't know that movie, but I can imagine it making a fine scene with that pair.

    PopCultureNerd ~ oops, sorry to stir up unfortunate bee sting memories for you. That would put a dampener on the romance!

  27. TheChieftess: That Touch of Mink? Couldn't remember the name so googled it.

  28. I think that's the one Anonymous!!! A very typical Doris Day, Cary Grant sweet, funny movie!!!

  29. Hi TheChieftess. I was Anon at 3:31AM. Too lazy to use my name! That is a charming movie. What woman wouldn't break out in a rash if spirited away by Cary Grant for a weekend of seduction? LOL.

  30. I was hoping Cali would pipe up and answer this one. She's my personal sashaying encyclopedia of classic "Old Hollywood"!

    Indie.Tea ~ here's the link to Cali's photo which she's kindly allowed me to show.

  31. Your story is priceless Shell.
    & so is this wonderful illustration!

  32. "Sashaying encyclopedia!" LOOOOOOL!

    Petrea: Thanks. The illo looks much better tho'.

  33. Gorgeous drawing! Not to mention it's in Paris which makes it fabulous. Kellie xx

  34. Thanks, Lily! Have a beautiful week.

    Hi, Kellie ~ thank you ~ I'm delighted you like it. It's hard to go wrong with such beautiful subject matter. She makes me look good. :)

    Cali has been losing sleep over the location, and she has found it! Rue Pierre Lescot. According to Big Brother Street View, there's a M.A.C. store in the beehive's building, and several paces away is Père Fouettard wine bistro {err, better check out recent reviews before you eat there!} Thanks, Cali ~ you can go to bed now. ;)

  35. Hi Shell, I enjoy reading your blog post and I was smiling while reading about your mom wearing pearls outside her bee suit. She got a sense of style. And your paintings in your blogs love it. Wish I know how to draw. :)

  36. Hi Ramil ~ thanks so much for your lovely comment and for dropping in. Have a beeautiful weekend {nearly there!}


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