Geese, It's Chilly

Oh, is that the time already?  Please excuse me while I feed the geese. 

On second thoughts, it's just started raining heavily and the temperature is dropping.  I'll send these young ladies with the vastly superior circulation to do it for me.  Inspired by the autumn catalogue of my fave jimmy-jams designer, Peter Alexander {you may remember him from this}, I was still cold just looking at them, in spite of their scarves and matching pink home boots.  After much churlish resistance, they caved and allowed me to add ultra-thin merino wool cardigans.   They still have goosebumps... but not as many as I'd have.


  1. Yet another charmer! And I love those outfits (they're secretly grateful for the sweaters.)

    I forgot, you're in mid autumn now. I just love that half the world is upside down.

  2. I always forget about our seasons being out of sync too. Well that keeps it interesting dear Shell. Love this one. They look so cute!

  3. Adorable, Shell! Modeling may not require grad school, but it sure does take patience, stamina, and a thick skin (in more ways than one). I hope someone who knows these young ladies sees this. I'm sure they'd be thrilled—and ever so grateful for the cute cardis.

  4. There is a photo (which I have seen more than once online and cannot for the life of me find now!) of Carole Lombard in plaid pj's herding geese or some other fowl and this adorable illo reminded me of it. But doesn't this look familiar (everything old is new again. Except me!):

  5. Surely legwarmers with short pyjamas haven't gone out of fashion? These elegant girls must know best, but I'd hate to have to rethink my whole goose-feeding look.

  6. And, rainy too! Did you see the skies??

  7. Hiker ~ having a slower circulation than Gnat Removers' Monthly means that it already feels like winter to me. Most Brisbane people reading this would not have resorted to layers yet.

    Virginia ~ the beanie reminded me of Eva, even though hers has tails!

    Alexa ~ I need some new flannelette PJs, so perhaps they could pull some strings.

    Cali ~ thanks for the link ~ how gorgeous! I can imagine the photo you've described. Yes, there's little that's truly new nowadays...

    Mise ~ your goose-feeding look sounds like a treat ~ don't change a thing!

    Cafe ~ and it's still raining unmentionables and dogs.

  8. This is fabulously fun! The geese look as contented as the girls. A gaggle of gams, that's for sure. I actually have a short pink nighty just like this; I'm sure if I wore it as street wear here in Berkeley with a scarf, a cardigan and cute boots no one would even look twice.

  9. It's just turning a little cold here, and I have to pull my warmer jim jammies back out. Er jimmy-jams. I like these girls' style, but I like to go for full coverage when I'm cold.

    I do admire those taste though and covet those fingerless gloves.

  10. Katie ~ "a gaggle of gams" ~ let's coin that one, shall we!! I beg to differ about you wandering the streets like this. I'm sure people would look twice. Thrice, even. {Is four times Quartz???}

    Amy ~ you'll find fingerless gloves a-plenty on Etsy, possibly on seasonal sale!

  11. LOVE IT! Both the original photo (which of course I just HAD to go check out) and your illustrated homage! What a fun shot that is!

    And I love that you call those boots 'home boots'. I have several pairs (here we just call them "Uggs" and every hollywood starlet worth her salt has a pair!) and my aussie relatives make fun of me for wearing them everywhere. they tell me that in australia it would be considered very gauche indeed!

  12. Another gorgeous creation!
    Shell I received your package last week & I have to tell you I am absolutely delighted with the art cards I ordered from you! They are fabulous! Each one is like a gift, a perfect little piece of art that I can not wait to send to a few people I have been thinking of that I know would also appreciate your art. You made my day, thank you so much. I can't wait to look through your lovely site & order more.
    : )

  13. Love your witticisms my dear; especially love the cardis and uggs. There must be a golden egg there somewhere ...

  14. Anne@TheCitySage ~ fits so nicely with your Farmhouse Style post!! Having grown up with them as being firmly restricted to the home {including yard}, I think of them as Ugh boots when seen out on the streets. But I'm just showing my age. ;)

    Thank you so very much, dear Lily! That's wonderful news and I'm chuffed ~ I hope your friends enjoy them, too!

    MmeB ~ I'm hoping there's a whole nestful, one for each of us!

  15. Jimmy-jams! That's new to me. Mine are, shall we say, "unmatched," not so color-coordinated as these sweet pink things. I'd like to have a matching set but it's not high on my priority list and I keep forgetting to shop for them.

  16. Petrea ~ it might be a Shell-ism! I won't lay claim to it, but I don't know if it's widespread. PS: I like mismatched ~ it shows one has the confidence not to try too hard.


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