A Far-From-Shady Shady Establishment

ink & watercolour illustration, 7.5" x 6" [19 x 16cm]

I'm posting this one in spite of it being a pub, not because it's a pub.  I just want to point that out, since I posted a brewery a couple of weeks ago and I don't want to give the impression that I'm a lush ~ even though this pub is called the Pineapple Hotel, which automatically conjurs visions of lusciousness. 

No, I'm posting this one simply because I find it quaint.   This historic establishment is the fifth-oldest pub in Queensland.  You'll find an old photograph of it here ~ and if you watch the page for long enough, you'll see a current photo of this original part of the building here.   They've opened up the verandahs again since the vintage of my illustration ~ and you can never have too much airflow in our climate, so good on them for being both backward and forward in their thinking. Kind of like patting one's head and rubbing one's tummy at the same time...


  1. Oh no, what did they do to it? Well, it will live on in your illo.

  2. Yes, I like your view and the vintage one best. Call me backward and pat my head.

  3. Love the green/teal/aquamarine/turqoise/seafoam (?) color in this. The revamped version looks nice, too. I want to go there just so I can say, "Meet you at Kangaroo Point."

  4. That is quaint. What a difference from how it looks now. This should be hanging in the new location as a remembrance of things past. :D

  5. Love your drawing. Plus it keeps the past alive. Yes, the vintage building was amazing, but I do kinda like the new one too. Looks like a fun open place to hang out and have a pineapple daiquiri. Or two.

  6. I prefer your view as well. It looks like a cozy joint. I bet they know people's names here.

    And it's okay to give the impression of being a lush with this crowd. =P

  7. Hmmm, Amy has a point.

  8. Yeah, weren't we talking about proshicko today at my blog? Nobody batted an eye.

  9. Hiker ~ it kind of feels like that recent discussion over at your place, with kids wanting to make sure they aren't anything like their parents.

    Petrea ~ I'd call you backward and pat your head, but I can't do both at the same time...

    PCN ~ oh, I completely forgot that Kangaroo Point might sound interesting to you!! People abseil off the cliffs not far from here. Maybe you need to time a birthday to coincide with a visit. :)

    Thanks, Cali ~ that's a nice thought!

    Katie ~ I can't say for sure, but I'm guessing you'd find a Pineapple Daiquiri on the menu. Maybe even two. ;)

    Amy, Hiker, Petrea ~ excellent. I feel enabled. :)

  10. Does look to quaint and so cozy, when my husband and I were still at uni in the UK (before he was my husband) we loved to go to pubs, mainly for the warm cozy atmosphere and the ploughman's lunch!

  11. Hmmm. I think you are working very hard to convince us you are not a lush. Do you need to tell us something, Shell?

  12. Who you callin' a lush Sistah Shsh?? Well if the shoe fits.......it does! ;) I love your illos, no matter where they are. You make it all so much fun.

  13. Being of Irish (and French)ancestry, I do like pubs!!!

  14. GyPsY ~ I'm guessing I'd find more than a few students at the Pineapple doing just what you and your hubby did. :)

    Margaret ~ I'm sorry, I don't understand. Let me think it over while I retrieve a bottle from inside a hollowed-out edition of War & Peace.

    Virginia ~ say, how is it that lush has a "Sh" in it. It's a conspiracy, I say.

    Speaking of "Sh" ~ Shanna, that's a wonderful mix of ancestry!

  15. I feel like I'm late to the party (my job keeps getting in the way of my life—damn). This place does look so cozy and inviting—could we travel back in time and visit it just as you've interpreted it here? And may I please have something with a little pink umbrella?

  16. What a terrific name for a hotel! I do love your lush sketch, Shell. Ha ha.
    My grandmother once stayed in a hotel in Hawaii (we're talking circa 1960) which had pineapple juice on tap in the rooms!! Now I could fall for that.

  17. Alexa ~ a pink umbrella it is, and your Piña Colada shall be served in a hollowed out pineapple. We'll pull out all the stops.

    Thanks, MmeB! Juice on tap? Now that's clever!

  18. I'd love to visit any time of year (well, except when it's too hot or rainy) but doing it around my birthday would be very convenient!

  19. PCN ~ around your birthday, the weather is pretty gorgeous! There may be a touch of a shower, but the sting has gone out of the temps.


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