Pining at the Bathing Pavilion

ink & watercolour illustration, 8" x 5.75" [20.5 x 14.5cm]

I know it's late, but no, I haven't been lounging at the Bathing Pavilion in Redcliffe all day.  {I haven't been there at all today.  And you might be wondering what I'm doing here.  Surprise!}  But if I had been at the Bathing Pavilion today, I'd have worn a large, wide-brimmed hat and polka-dotted swimming togs with a frilled skirt.  And white-framed sunglasses and matching heels.  I feel those would really set it off a treat.  So would some fish and chips.  Anyone care to join me before the rain sets in again?


  1. Here you are! I should have known I'd find you relaxing in this adorable bathing pavilion enjoying fish and chips. Wait a minute! What is this post doing here? Is it Friday already? :-)

  2. Hey Shell! You sound a little wistful today.

  3. I would have worn the very same, and scowled at you for stealing my sartorial thunder.

  4. I'll join you there! But only to share your fish & chips. I'll be the one in cut-off jean shorts who looks hungry.

  5. I would love to join you - as long as you tell me what swimming togs are first. :D

  6. LOL, Cali! Just wanted to make the week go faster for everyone. :)

    Hiker ~ we used to holiday near this spot regularly when I was little. Littler. Perhaps there was some wist between the lines, or maybe I was just hungry for a midnight snack at the time...

    Mise ~ if not for your far more attractive eyebrows and hair, people might mistake us for twins if that happened.

    PCN ~ I imagine you in with the seagulls, fighting for your chips, and my money's not on the seagulls.

    Amy ~ sorry to say, I can't claim inventorship of the word 'togs'. It's our word for bathers, swimmers, swimming costume, swimsuit... So, you're in???

  7. Count me in. Fish and chips while sheltering from the rain in the bathing pavillion sounds just the biscuit. Brings back memories of childhood. And I can assume that the frilled skirt would be polka dot to match the togs a-la 1940's?

  8. Fish & Chips with macarons and wine.

  9. Ooh, I'll grab my cossie, sunglasses and floppy hat and be right there! This also seems like the kind of place where a white swim cap with big colorful flowers would be in order. Keep those fish and chips warm for me!

  10. Debs ~ sounds spot on to me. ;)

    Cafe ~ I can always trust you to make improvements on the menu...

    Katie ~ I love it! I insist you wear the bathing cap ~ you'll be most adorable!

  11. Surprise is right—a good one! I'm so in to join everyone in this charming place, but I'll be hiding under a pareu until the current regimen produces results and a bathing suit becomes acceptable attire once again. So no fish and chips, but a big yes to all the rest. (We're getting rain soon too, but at least it's not snow!)

  12. Alexa, I'm sure you're being exceptionally modest ~ but our chef is also serving up salads and grilled fish, with a little lemon butter sauce and dressing served on the side!

  13. Awwww now Shsh, now you have me hungry for fish and chips! :)

  14. Virginia ~ ha, sweet revenge for all the times you've made me hungry for champagne, macarons and various buttery French dishes you've served up at your place. :)

  15. I can just picture you in those polka dot togs; looking like a 1960's beauty queen.

    Love the colours and the gorgeous trees.

  16. Thank you, MmeB! I'll need to find a sash to go with it, in that case. :)

  17. We are just saying goodbye to our rains. If we're lucky we'll still have a few storms in the weeks ahead. I miss them already.

  18. Margaret ~ the rain is always wetter on the other side of the pond.


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