Just A Tiny Post Today

ink & watercolour weensy, 3" x 2.25" [8 x 6cm]

Perhaps because I'm a bit on the tiny side myself, I'm rather fond of tiny things, and I'm not just talking about petits fours, mini macarons and cocktail food.   It's been a while since I drew some weensy works, so today I plied myself with hydrating eyedrops and set about it.  One thousand three hundred and sixty-five blinks later, voilà, a little French farmhouse...

  ink & watercolour weensy, 3" x 2.25" [8 x 6cm]

...and a little restaurant for lunch in the village nearby. {Let's not panic ~ I hear they serve standard-sized meals}.  Depending on your screen, what you see here may be pretty close to actual size of the drawings.  Now I just need a dolls' house to hang them in...


  1. Such a quaint farmhouse! Is it located in Provence?

    A dollhouse filled with original artwork by Shell is a great idea.

  2. That's what I tell myself each time I start a new post.

    Now in your case, ShSh,,,,,,,, you have mastered the art of tiny or small with big results!!

  3. Meep! As if your work couldn't be more charming, you go and make it miniature. I'm amazed how you paint/draw in such a small area. I'd eat any size meal at that little restaurant. :)

  4. Cali ~ err, I can't say for sure and my fact checker is napping under the sofa, but Provence is a good candidate. :) Let's say it definitely isn't Paris, for a change...

    Thank you, Cafe ~ and I'm glad your stories don't always end up tiny.

    Amy ~ Meep??? I'm officially in love with this new word!

  5. Oh beautifully intricate! If you could have these made into 100 piece jigsaw puzzles and sell them in charming little coffrets with a tweezers included, I'd say you'd have a sizeable niche market. Meep puzzles: you even have a name.

  6. Oh yes! Everyone is right. Delightful pics, delightful comments: small with big results, Meep! Meep Puzzles! This is big, very big!

    For me it's delightful to imagine myself inside the worlds of your paintings, which is, I guess, to imagine myself inside your imagination. So today I am Alice in Shell Sherree MeepLand.

    Amy, thanks for the word. It's ours now, to mean "How delightful!" unless you tell us otherwise.

  7. Oh joy. Oh sigh. Oh...mouse? Is that Mickey in the lower right hand corner?

  8. Wow. I think they are amazing and I can can see why you needed eyedrops.

  9. Mise ~ you are a visionary! Even if it ended up being a short-sighted venture, it could be looked back on as the Rubiks Cube of the Teenies.

    Petrea ~ now I want to re-name my blog... do you mind if I use that? I'll give you and Amy credit. Quite seriously... :)

    Hiker ~ haha, you took me back to when I'd show my mum my early childhood drawings and she would panic, knowing I'd get cross and stamp my foot if she guessed wrongly!! Regarding the mouse, I decided to do an Alfred Hitchcock kind of thing and put a little black CAT in every miniature I do. If Mickey's there, I'm sorry to tell the world he was lunch. Stamp.

    Margaret ~ I'm still blinking...

  10. I held my trusty pica ruler up to the screen: exactly actual size. So now I'm even more impressed by your talent for miniaturization! BTW, even if it is a product of your fertile imagination, I think I ate at that restaurant—in the Old Town in Nice.

  11. That is precisely what "meep" means. :D

  12. You'd better give Amy the credit. I'm just riffing. Word-riffing is what I do. Speaking of which, it's time to fix dinner and my WV is "cruprot."

  13. Alexa ~ it's only partly from my imagination but I have no reference, so it could very well be in Nice! Was it nice?

    It is a very Amy word, so I feel I shall leave it in your custody. :)

    Petrea ~ I'm sure your WV was no reflection on your dinner.

  14. Oh, yesyesyes, of course it's a cat, dear. It was early and Mother needed her coffee.

  15. Meep defintiely comes in very handy for expressing deep satisfaction when there's no furry types schnozzle to beep! That's just lovely, tiny or big.

  16. You've outdone yourself again. I would need a high powered magnifier to try anything in miniture. But lets backtrack a bit. Your fact checker was sleeping under the sofa?

    Amy your meep word is fantastic. I'm going to use it when my friend's teenage daughter is here next. It's so much better than "random"

  17. and I can't spell either - clearly

  18. Haha, I encourage the use of the word Meep whenever applicable.

  19. Much better, Hiker. :)

    Paula ~ how cute ~ I would love to see a photo of you beeping your furry type's schnozzle!

    Debs ~ it's ok for your spell checker to be asleep under the sofa, too. ;) When meep starts coming back to us through the Gen Ws, we'll know where it started.

    Amy, my beautiful previous black kitty meowed in a way that we named a Neep, so I find your Meep very special!

  20. I am tiny too. Happy to meet another.
    I must re-decorate our bedroom, which is furnished with antique French furniture. Except that we didn't have room for the armoire. I am thinking of re-doing it a la Shell Sherree. So....what color should the walls be? Any suggestions?

  21. This is a tiny marvel! You are very talented :)

  22. Beautiful in a teensy weensy meepy way! Love the farmhouse and the fields behind it. I found the black cat btw :) But Meep Meep!! rather reminds me of a roadrunner than a cat. I have a fact checker at my feet purring loudly too. Lilli arrived for dinner at midnight!

    Such a talent to draw everything in teensy perspective with what seems to be ease. It is truly a gift you have Shell and I love arches with little restaurants in courtyards.

  23. Shanna ~ say, there are a bunch of tiny regulars here, so we're in great company! Your French bedroom sounds oh so romantic... being as artistic as you are, I have a feeling you'll choose a much better colour for yourself than I could possibly guess. {That said, I love aqua and white for pretty much everything!!}

    Hi, My Owl Barn ~ it's lovely to meet you! Thank you ~ and I exclaimed Meep when I visited your place ~ adorable!

    Thanks, MmeB ~ don't you love it when your fact checker purrs!!

  24. As Tina Fey says, "I want to go to there." I'm small, too, so I can probably fit in that farmhouse!

  25. PCN ~ great, you're still in time for our Grape Stomping Festival! Dress like Lucille Ball...


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