Pink Acres is the Place to Be

 Have you noticed how everything turns pink in October in support of Breast Cancer Month?  {I dearly wish it was called Healthy Breasts Month to help us focus on the positives, but it's a vitally important cause no matter what the name is.}  And just when you thought you'd seen it all, I may have found something new for the hobby farmists amongst you to consider.

Yes ~ you can buy your very own limited-edition pink tractor, produced by New Holland Agriculture, which has released a small number of lolly-pink Boomer compact tractors to raise funds {in conjunction with Australian supplier Black-Trac} for the National Breast Cancer Foundation of Australia.   So ladies, if you want to acquire a piece of agricultural machinery for "loading mulch, mowing the lawn or clearing a pasture" that you can pretty safely keep your man from borrowing, this is the tractor for you!  And of course, you must wear a pretty dress and leopard-print gumboots to add your own modern day twist on Green Acres ~ or is it Pink Acres?

ps: A little 'thank you for your support' launch special for my lovely blog readers:  If you order one of my originals at my Etsy store by Friday 9th Oct and mention 'Brazen Hussy' in the order notes, I'll give you 15% off via a refund back to your credit card.  And if you're a regular commenter, I'll add in a couple of Shell Sherree gift cards with my compliments, as an extra Thank You!  Any questions/suggestions/requests, don't hesitate to email me.  Ta!


  1. It reminds me of a dune buggy! This would have been perfect for Lisa of Green Acres.

    Another cute drawing, Shell.

  2. I have to agree with the renaming of breast month as you say.

  3. I think even Zsa Zsa would ride it. She and her healthy breasts.

  4. Yes, i realized it too..was it 'Let's-Fight-Breast-Cancer Month' now?

    Anyway...that horse look so funny!hehehe..cute too

  5. Cali ~ it does have a touch of dune buggy about it ~ or perhaps it's just my rendering of it. ;)

    Cafe ~ k9s are so wise.

    Petrea ~ isn't there a saying, "she who farms most needs fewer husbands...?"

    Finie ~ even horses get a piece of the pink action. :)

  6. Oh my! I never realized how much I wanted a pink tractor. Really. If only my yard were bigger than an actual tractor.

  7. I had a comment all ready to go, but then read Petrea's and it seemed so flat in comparison.

    Word verification: Cooducki. Can't top that either.

  8. Now, Karin, don't go expecting us to fall for your falsie modesty.

  9. Margaret ~ the ad in the paper said they have toy versions and scale models as well ~ might distract you and your girls from the carbs.

    Hiker, Petrea ~ LOL!! My readers in Silicone Valley are strangely silent on the subject...

  10. Like Margaret, I never knew I wanted one until I saw it here. If only Australia weren't so far away.

  11. Truth stranger than fiction: for a few years my mammograms were supervised by Dr. Masto. Too bad he retired, he was very popular.

    More truth stranger than fiction: my WV is "bonsms." Close enough.

  12. You're all very cute—almost as cute as Shell's pink tractor (and you are quite fetching in your leopard-print Wellies) and the horse with the flowered blanket! Love it, Shell.

  13. Mise ~ You'd look great on one of these!

    Petrea ~ oooh, I can hear Twilight Zone music playing...

    Thanks, Alexa ~ and yes, a cute bunch for sure!!

  14. Sweet & Tasty Acres is the place I'd rather be.

  15. Cafe ~ you're right ~ there are no macarons in them thar fields. Here's a quick fix for a sweet-toothed puppy.

  16. Oh fab! If I had a tractor like that, I might enjoy working in the yard more (not that I have a large one, mind you). Maybe I'd just drive it down to the store or donut shop.

  17. Oh I must have one!!!! I could put it ummmmm errrrr hmmmmm.....

  18. PCN ~ oh great, now I want a doughnut!

    Adventures ~ hmmmmmmm, she'd be very obvious double-parked...

  19. Love the pink tractor and the pink blanket of the horse and the boots and...everything !! As always !!

  20. You aren't too far off!

    The game show "Deal or No Deal" offered a pink tractor to a contestant a couple of years ago. I don't think she accepted it, so it's been making the sale rounds instead.

    I have a "Save the TaTas" t-shirt and wear it proudly. I'm getting a reduction next year, so it's kind of ironic. ;)

  21. Merci beaucoup, Marylène!

    ET Suzy ~ I wonder if that's what inspired the New Holland people to produce theirs! So I'm confused ~ did your TaTas buy their own t-shirt in protest? :)


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