Friday Francophile Fleurish: Delphiniums du Jour

7" x 9.5" {18 x 24cm} ink and watercolour on French cotton paper

Some flower names translate fetchingly to girls' names.  Rose.  Daisy.  Violet.

Others are a tad more quirky.  Agapanthus. Crocus. Delphinium.  Mind you, delphinium could easily be shortened to Finie, one of our sweet regular commenters, so it could be quite fetching after all.

Certainly this charming old French wooden crate with its aqua glass bottles of delphiniums is begging to be fetched and carried out to the garden, to tizzy up the table set for our Friday afternoon bubbly and macarons under the trees, right next to the agapanthus.  {Now available in my Etsy 'flower shop' .}

Happy Friday Francophile Fleurish to you!

PS: This offer's nearly over:  A little 'thank you for your support' launch special for my lovely blog readers:  If you order one of my originals at my Etsy store by Friday 9th Oct {whatever your local time zone is} and mention 'Brazen Hussy' in the order notes, I'll give you 15% off via a refund back to your credit card.  And if you're a regular commenter, I'll add in a couple of Shell Sherree gift cards with my compliments, as an extra Thank You!  Any questions/suggestions/requests, don't hesitate to email me.  Ta!


  1. Your drawing is making my day !!
    After a week of rain, wind and storm that blows dead leaves everywher, I really needed this nice, charming and very "poétique bouquet" !
    Back to Spring again for a minute. I hate Fall. Thank you !!

  2. Marylène ~ oh, and you've made my day! I'm glad I could bring you a bit of cheer in the face of the gloomy weather there.

  3. I'd like one crate for every room, please! Soooo pretty. Happy Friday and all weekend, too, Shell!

  4. PCN ~ your wish is my command. See, that was easy, wasn't it? ;)

  5. What a lovely Friday afternoon ritual you have! And Agapanthus, Crocus and Delphinium are perfect names for elderly, eccentric aunts.

  6. Oh I love the idea of an elderly eccentric aunt called Agapanthus!
    What a lovely afternoon drinking bubbly and eating macaroons under the tree next to my elderly aunt Agapanthus and artist extrordinare (rolling the rrrrrr's) Shell Sherree. And such beautiful flowers on the table. (sorry, the bubbly's gone to my head and I can't spell) Well - back to damp cold and windy Sydney I go.......

  7. You have great ritual !! I got to know something from your side through this !! Nice post..Unseen Rajasthan

  8. Fetching -- now that's a word that's not used nearly enough.

    Your piece and drawing were fetching. And now I'll be thinking of potential girl names, good and bad. Zinnia, Tulip, Petunia, Hollyhock...

  9. Your beautiful delphiniums have made my (otherwise dreary) day too, Shell! This is indeed a lovely ritual. I had a friend in Paris named Delphine and assumed her name meant delphinium, but that flower in French is "dauphinelle" or "pied d'alouette." Dauphinelle would be a nice name for an eccentric aunt, but you just know unimaginative people would call her Nellie!

  10. I read this great profile of Jamie Oliver in the NT Times magazine. He has three girls: Daiy, petal, and another one. Maybe blossom. He'd like your beautiful watercolor.

  11. The various shades of purple/violet are eye catching!

    Happy FFF (even though it is now Saturday in Australia)to you and your readers, Shell. (I thought I commented earlier, but it didn't go through!)

  12. Mise ~ oh, they are, they are!!

    Adventures ~ and she's such a hoot, your Aunt Agapanthus. {I'm sure you'll have plenty of sunshine again soon!}

    Unseen ~ glad you enjoyed the visit. ;)

    Hiker ~ ... Rhododendron... oh, silly me, that one's a boy's name...

    Alexa ~ sorry you had a dreary day, and I'm happy I could brighten it. Delphine is a very pretty name!

    Margaret ~ I'd forgotten that ~ you made me curious and here are the names in all their glory: Poppy Honey Rosie, Daisy Boo Pamela, and Petal Blossom Rainbow. How cheerful ~ just like Jamie and Jools!

    Cali ~ somewhere there's a parallel universe where all the lost comments reside!! It's ok, there's an endless supply of champagne and macarons here, so you haven't missed out. :)

  13. I had a doctor called Daphne - she was Chinese.

    I adore your painting and Pink Acres made me laugh out loud! Breasts aside, "Green Acres ..." is exactly what I sang when I moved into my home. It struck me (and still does) as being a very odd place for a city bred previously career woman to end up. I rather felt like I'd been put out to pasture. LOL
    This has been typed with mother magpie standing inside at my feet, silently begging for food. I'm headed to the fridge!

  14. MmeB ~ you seem so adept at chopping firewood that I didn't realise it took some adjusting. I'm sure the magpies {and other wildlife inhabitants} are ever so grateful you made the tree change. But I'm glad you can get your city fix without having to travel too, too far. :)

  15. This picture is something my mother would have loved--pretty purple posies were just her thing. Fetching!

  16. That's lovely to know ~ thanks, Petrea.

  17. Hmmmm... am adoring more & more of your arts, dear girly.

    Hope you had a great week-end. And be sure you have a wonderful week ahead.

    xoxo as always!

  18. My original Shell Sherrees arrived yesterday! They are beautiful, sweet, almost delicate--except they're painted on high quality paper and were carefully packaged. I was at an Internet cafe when they arrived (typing now on my iPhone--no service at home right now). And guess what, Shell? The weekend postman didn't bother to get a signature. Ta, our regular guy, is much more thorough.
    Thank you, Shell, for my treasures. Photos forthcoming!

  19. Hey, Chie ~ thank you!! Wishing you a gorgeous week ahead, too!

    Petrea ~ Hoorayyyyy! LOL about the postie ~ Murphy's Law. As long as they arrived safely to you, I'm happy. Enjoy your Shell Sherrees ~ I know they are in wonderful hands!

  20. These are as lovely as any flowers I've seen in Paris! Are you sure you didn't live in Paris in another life?

  21. Oh how I do love delphiniums--especially when there are dozens and dozens of them in a row, whether in a flower bed or in a flower shop!

    and I ADORE flower names for girls---even slightly quirky ones like bluebell!

  22. Oooh, Katie ~ the ultimate compliment ~ thank you!!

    Anne ~ Bluebell is very pretty ~ as well as being one of my fave vintage Esty stores, thanks to you. :)

  23. Where oh WHERE have I been??? This is my first visit to your delightful blog and it's just brightened my rainy, soggy, dark morning. Friday Francophile, that's me! I've got to run to Etsy now and see what's up. Feel free to sketch any of my Paris photos. I'd be most flattered.

    PS There's an adorable children's book titled: Chrysanthemum. Precious story.

  24. Hellooooo, Virginia ~ welcome ~ how lovely!! I've already had some surreptitious peeks at your gorgeous Paris photos ~ what a generous offer and heck yes, I'd love to ~ a thousand Thank You's, V! {On Fridays, we rotate around Francophile Friday, Friday Fleurish and Vendredi in Venice, but you can imagine the Francophile bit crops up most often, and can't help hogging some Tuesdays as well. :) }

    I haven't heard of that children's book but I'll look out for it.

  25. My breath just caught in my throat. Virginia's photos+Shell's watercolors=little Paris dreams.

  26. Gosh that's lovely, Petrea ~ thank you! Virginia's photos are beauties. Between them and Katie's kind offer to take pics for me in Paris, and Alexa's offer of her Venice albums, I can see weeks ~ possibly months ~ of drawing pleasure ahead. I'm a lucky girl!! :)

  27. Assuming you read Margaret's post about the Muses, you seem to have plenty of them!

  28. Indeed, I did read Margaret's post and it seems my Muse cup runneth over! And I have a hefty collecion of lovely Paris scenes courtesy of Cali. Where to start first? Such a wonderful problem to have.

  29. What a generous offer from Virginia. I can't wait to see your first drawing. I was so honored you did a drawing based on my photo of Chez Julien and even more so when you sent it to me along with my "portrait." You are not only talented, but generous and kind hearted! Thank you, Shell!!!


Merci, grazie, thank you for joining our conversation lounge. Your smile lights up the room. Even more beautifully than our crystal chandelier. x

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