Lion's Share of Le Tour's Attention

For the winners of the Yellow Jersey {aka Maillot Jaune} in Le Tour de France: a bunch of flowers and an adorable fluffy toy lion that might bear a startling resemblance to Don King, if Don King happened to be adorable. As it's unlikely any of us will score one of the real fluffy toy lions {or indeed, a real fluffy lion}, perhaps this little virtual fellow can console us.


  1. This is bloody adorable!
    I assumed the lion represented Credit Lyonnaise and then I saw their car and that cinched it for me. Thanks for yesterday's link. It still cracks me up to see the winner holding high their stuffed toy and bouquet! Now if they gave it a kiss that would be priceless! I wonder if it would be a two cheek kiss or three?

  2. Cali ~ I thought you'd like him! I'd hope for the three cheek kiss.

    Margaret ~ Yes, not even on his best day!

  3. Unseen Rajasthan ~ thanks for saying Hello. You show some amazing places on your blog!

  4. Perhaps I can get a fluffy lion by opening an account with Credit Lyonnaise? He's too cute!

  5. Cali ~ Yee-Hee! Those were BOTH great ways to start my morning, thank you! {Love your pic, by the way.}

    PCN ~ He'd be enough to make me open an account too. Banks of the world, take note.

  6. Shell -- TOO cute! As for Mr. King—what was he thinking with that 'do anyway?
    from cali -- your links are worth the 3-cheek kiss!
    And when I get that pied a terre in Paris, I'll be putting all my leftover euros (that's meant to be a joke) in the local PCN—but only if I get a toy lion.

  7. Alexa: when you get that PaT in Paris I will gladly provide links so long as I can crash on your sofa sleeper! Hell, I'll sleep on the terrace if I have to. ;)

  8. Alexa ~ Cali beat me to the punch {Don King would be proud of her!}. Please put my name on the waiting list, if you don't mind. :)

  9. You should be the first guest Shell as you taught me how to link in the first place. :-)

  10. Say Cali, how's this - we can lob on Alexa's Parisian doorstep together and take turns on the terrace. ;)


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