
While waiting for my usually-early-but-this-time-contritely-tardy friend at a cafe on LaTrobe Terrace in Paddington, I whipped out my little tiny notebook and did this equally little tiny sketch of the Designs to Cherish boutique across the road. The cute kitties were part of the note page (by talented artist Teresa Kogut) and created an accidental but fetching foreground! { I was quite grateful for his lateness by the time he arrived.}


  1. Ah see now that's what knitting does as well. It fills in time in a most satisfying way so that others tardiness is no longer an issue.

  2. Like Alexa I am a creature of the sixties. But I Cherish those days.

  3. Ah, the sixties. So much cool music. So much cool knitting.

  4. Oh dear, I was born in the mid fifties! Cats are ok but I prefer your sketches of them.

  5. And what a fine vintage, MmeBenaut! I wonder what the cats would think of poodle skirts, all the rage back then...


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